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ARTICLE | December 01, 2022
A Profile of Latinx Participants in Adult Redeploy Illinois
There have been few research studies on Latinx people who are criminal justice-involved. The Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI) Program adopted a racial equity lens to better study and address the needs of racial minorities in their funded diversion programs. These programs are important to justice-involved individuals with felony charges because...
race equity ethnicity
ARTICLE | November 30, 2022
Predicting Diversion Program Outcomes Using Drug Testing Information
Due in part to drug crimes, many U.S. citizens are under correctional supervision. One aspect of correctional supervision is drug testing. The view among many is that sobriety is required to meet probation program requirements. Research on probation client outcomes related to the impact of drug testing is limited. This...
probation drug testing substance courts corrections
ARTICLE | November 29, 2022
The Relationship Between Demographics, Region and Outcomes in Adult Redeploy Illinois Funded Programs
Across the United States in 2020, over 1 million individuals were incarcerated and over 3 million were on probation. Many jurisdictions developed diversion programs to create an alternative to mass incarceration of individuals with substance use and mental health disorders. The purpose of Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI) is to divert...
probation courts corrections Adult Redeploy race ethnicity equity
ARTICLE | January 18, 2022
Youth Bullying: An Overview and Related Interventions
Bullying is a form of violence that can leave lasting negative effects on school-aged youth. This literature review examines research on bullying frequency, predictors and impacts, and prevention and intervention programs. Research finds that between 20% and 40% of youth in the United States have experienced bullying (with variances in...
Violence children & youth evidence-based practices evidence-informed practice violence prevention
ARTICLE | October 19, 2018
Criminal Justice Professionals Learn Promising Practices to Prosecute Domestic Violence Cases
Illinois law enforcement agencies reported 118,160 domestic-related crimes in 2016. The Illinois Family Violence Coordinating Council developed and provided training for police and other criminal justice practitioners to improve knowledge about domestic violence and apply this knowledge to support evidence-based approaches to prosecution and orders of protection. This article presents...
domestic violence
ARTICLE | October 03, 2017
Police-Led Referrals to Treatment for Substance Use Disorders in Rural Illinois: An Examination of the Safe Passage Initiative
Researchers conducted a process evaluation of Safe Passage, a police deflection model in which police departments become a referral point to treatment for individuals with substance use disorders. Through the model, individuals can walk into any participating police department and request and receive treatment without fear of arrest. In Illinois,...
drug use
ARTICLE | September 27, 2017
Performance Incentive Funding For Prison Diversion: An Implementation Evaluation of the Winnebago County Adult Redeploy Illinois Program
ICJIA researchers conducted an implementation evaluation of the Adult Redeploy Illinois-supported Winnebago County Drug Court. Probation administrative data, criminal history data, interviews with program stakeholders and participants informed the evaluation and researchers developed implications for policy and practice for this and any other county or municipality interested in implementing a...
probation evaluation Adult Redeploy
ARTICLE | August 22, 2016
The Impact of Employment Restriction Laws on Illinois' Convicted Felons
Over the past three decades, at least 1.5 million men and women have been convicted of felony charges in Illinois. Even after they have satisfied their probation or prison sentence, they face a range of collateral consequences-—penalties, disabilities, and other disadvantages imposed as a result of a criminal conviction, some...