ICJIA  »  Research and Analysis Unit Research » Illinois Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) Domestic Crime Offense

Illinois Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) Domestic Crime Offense

About this dataset

Final date reflected in datasetDecember 31, 2019
Time period1996-2019 (calendar)
DescriptionDomestic offenses reported by law enforcement. This may include cases where a witness or victim reported an incident to police as well as situations where the officers observed evidence directly. Domestic-related crimes are defined as crimes committed by family or household members, including spouses, former spouses, parents, children, stepchildren and other persons related by blood or marriage, persons who share or formerly shared a common dwelling, and persons who have or allegedly have a child in common. In the case of a high-risk adult with disabilities, family or household member includes any person who has the responsibility for a high-risk adult as a result of a family relationship or who has assumed responsibility for all or a portion of the care of a high-risk adult with disabilities voluntarily, or by express or implied contract, or court order. ICJIA uses the latest data published in Crime in Illinois by the Illinois State Police and the latest population estimates are sourced from Center for Disease Control / U.S. Census Bureau Bridged Race Population Estimates ( )
  • Reporting domestic related offenses is mandated by Chapter 20 of the ILCS, 2630/5.1, but not all agencies report to the Illinois State Police.
  • 1996 Domestic Crimes Offense data reported from April 1 - December 31, 1996
  • The Illinois State Police publishes I-UCR data for each year twice, for example I-UCR statistics are published as 2018-2017 and 2019-2018. In such cases the later published numbers contain minor revisions to numbers. ICJIA policy is to update to the most recent published version of this data when available, such that numbers for 2018 reflect the data published alongside the initial release of 2019 data.


YearintegerThe year that events recorded in the data occurred.
idintLocation Identifier. Typically this is county identifier where 1 indicates first county in alphabetical order (Adams) and 102 is last (Woodford)
fips_numberintFederal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code for geography.
county_namestrCounty name.
judicial circuitstrIllinois Judicial Circuit Court numberIntegers 1 to 23 and "co" for Cook.
regionstrThe region of the State the county is located in. Northern is subdivided for easy exclusion of Cook and/or Cook and Collar counties (i.e. the grear Chicago region).Northern - Other , Northern - Collar, Northern - Cook, Central, or Southern.
community_typestrCategorization based on the percent the county population living in a rural area.Completely Rural (rural 100%), Mostly rural (rural >50%), Mostly urban (rural <50%), or Completely urban (rural 0%).
percent_ruralfloatPercentage of population living in a census block designated as rural within the county, based on 2010 Census. 0.0 to 100.0.
populationintPopulation estimate based on CDC/Census Bridged Race Postcensus/Intercensus Estimates, note that population may be filter for juveniles, adults, or the whole population. Non-negative integer.
totalintReported Domestic OffensesNon-negative integer.
total_ratefloatRate for total, per 100,000. Non-negative.

ICJIA’s Research Hub is funded through a grant from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, ICJIA’s Research Hub (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided).