Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI) was established by the Illinois Crime Reduction Act of 2009 (Public Act 96-0761) to provide financial incentives to local jurisdictions for programs that allow diversion of individuals from state prisons by providing community-based services. Administered by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, ARI provides grants to counties, groups of counties, and judicial circuits to increase programming in their areas, in exchange for reducing the number of people they send to the Illinois Department of Corrections.
The Crime Reduction Act is based on the premise that crime can be reduced and the costs of the criminal justice system can be controlled by understanding and addressing the reasons why people commit crimes. It also acknowledges that local jurisdictions know best what resources are necessary to reduce crime in their communities. Rigorous evaluation processes with standardized performance measurements are required to confirm the effectiveness of services in reducing crime.
ARI is an example of a national best practice called "performance incentive funding" and is based on the successful youth Redeploy Illinois program which has been operating since 2004. Results expected from ARI include reduced prison admissions, lowered cost to taxpayers, and an end to the expensive and vicious cycle of crime and incarceration.
The ARI Strategic Plan centers equity in its mission, vision and values.