Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI) was established by the Crime Reduction Act (Public Act 96-0761) to provide financial incentives to local jurisdictions for programs that allow diversion of individuals from state prisons by providing community-based services. Administered by the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority, ARI provides grants to counties, groups of counties, and judicial circuits to increase programming in their areas, in exchange for reducing the number of people they send to the Illinois Department of Corrections.
The Crime Reduction Act is based on the premise that crime can be reduced and the costs of the criminal justice system can be controlled by understanding and addressing the reasons why people commit crimes. It also acknowledges that local jurisdictions know best what resources are necessary to reduce crime in their communities. Rigorous evaluation processes with standardized performance measurements are required to confirm the effectiveness of services in reducing crime.
ARI is an example of a national best practice called "performance incentive funding" and is based on the successful juvenile Redeploy Illinois program. Results expected from ARI include reduced prison admissions, lowered cost to taxpayers, and an end to the expensive and ineffective cycle of crime and incarceration.
The ARI Oversight Board Site Selection and Monitoring Committee is scheduled to meet Monday, February 10, 2025, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., via WebEx.
Members of the public must register in advance to attend via videoconference. Register via the link in the agenda or by clicking here.
For more information on this meeting, click here.
For more information on meetings of the ARI Oversight Board and its committees, please visit the ARI website's Meetings page:
The ARI Oversight Board Outreach, Technical Assistance and Communication Committee is scheduled to meet Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m., via WebEx.
Registration is required for this meeting. Attendees can register via the link in the agenda or by clicking here.
For more information on this meeting, click here.
For more information on meetings of the ARI Oversight Board and its committees, please visit the ARI website's Meetings page:
Performance Measurement Committee meeting: November 6, 2024
The ARI Oversight Board Performance Measurement Committee is scheduled to meet Wednesday, November 6, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., via WebEx.
Guests must register for this webinar to attend via videoconference. To register, click here.
For more information on this meeting, including the agenda, click here.
For more information on meetings of the ARI Oversight Board and its committees, please visit the ARI website's Meetings page:
Will County Problem-Solving Courts celebrated the graduation of 29 participants on September 26, 2024, at the Renaissance Center in Joliet, IL. Participants included 18 graduates from Will County’s Drug Treatment Court, six graduates from Mental Health Treatment Court, and five graduates from Veterans Court. Approximately 200 attendees were present to celebrate the graduates at the largest event in Will County Problem-Solving Courts’ history!
The graduation event featured keynote speeches from Mary Kay O’Brien, Illinois Supreme Court Justice, James Glasgow, Will County State’s Attorney, Michael Renzi, Will County Public Defender, Frederick Harvey, Will County Associate Judge and Presiding Judge of the Problem-Solving Courts, and Dr. Scott DuBois, Will County Problem-Solving Courts Coordinator. In her remarks, O’Brien lauded the graduates’ hard work, commitment to change, and success on their journeys, saying “I hope you know today that we are all very proud of you. You are reaching the potential that you have always had.”
All 29 graduates also chose to share a few words after accepting graduation plaques and coins on stage. Graduates spoke of their gratitude for the program and the recovery they have found. Their experience, as shared in their own words (Vital Voices), serves to motivate and inspire current problem-solving court participants and future graduates who were also in attendance.
Photo (left): Attendees at the Will County Problem-Solving Courts graduation (September 26) listen to keynote remarks, addressing recent graduates, from Presiding Judge Frederick Harvey.
Will County joined the Adult Redeploy Illinois (ARI) network in February 2015 to enhance and expand community-based treatment and services offered by its Problem-Solving Courts to participants with substance use and mental health disorders who would otherwise face a prison sentence. Will County ARI provides its participants with access to a broad range of services including substance use disorder treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy, and recovery support, in addition to enhancing the overall well-being of participants as they make significant life changes by providing transportation assistance, financial support for vocational training, and access to housing.
To our Will County graduates, from all of us at ARI, congratulations!
Adult Redeploy Illinois is housed at the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), the state’s lead agency on justice funding and research. ICJIA launched the Research Hub which provides a host of resources (publications, continuums, dashboards, datasets) to support data-driven decision-making for improved outcomes. Hub applications that ARI sites might find especially useful are available at the Apps tab.
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